Testosterone replacement therapy Homestead, FL - Balance Clinic

Introduction to Low Testosterone (Low T)

Testosterone is an essential hormone for men's health and wellbeing. It plays a vital role in muscle growth, bone strength, fat distribution, energy levels, mood, and libido. However, testosterone levels naturally decline with age. Low testosterone, also known as low T or hypogonadism, affects approximately 30% of men over age 50. The symptoms of low T may include:

If you are experiencing multiple symptoms of low testosterone, it is important to have your levels tested. A simple blood test can determine if hormone treatment may help. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can transform lives by alleviating low T symptoms and restoring vitality.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy is safe, effective, and life-changing for men with clinically low testosterone levels. The benefits of TRT include:

Clinical research shows that TRT can reverse the signs of aging in men by building muscle, burning fat, and boosting energy. Patients report feeling 10-20 years younger after optimizing their testosterone levels.

TRT also has cardiovascular benefits, including improved cholesterol profiles and lower blood pressure. And importantly, studies show it can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death - especially in older men with very low testosterone.

Our services

Get tested. TRT can restore your vitality.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone

The first step is having your testosterone levels tested. This requires a simple blood test which measures your available testosterone along with other important hormone markers.

The most important lab test is total testosterone. This measures the total amount of testosterone circulating in your bloodstream. Your doctor will look at your total T along with your symptoms to determine if you are a candidate for TRT.

Other key lab tests include:

Testing should be done in the early morning when testosterone levels are highest. Obtaining multiple tests is ideal to get a baseline. Symptoms and total T below 300 ng/dL often indicate TRT is appropriate.

Note: ng/dL stands for nanograms per deciliter and is the standard unit for measuring testosterone.

Benefits of Starting Treatment at Balance Clinic

The experienced physicians at Balance Clinic offer cutting-edge, individualized testosterone therapy to help you feel your best. Our comprehensive approach includes:

We are passionate about using innovative hormone therapies to reduce the signs of aging and related health risks in men with low testosterone. Our goal is to help you regain your vitality and live life to the fullest.

The sooner you take control of low T, the greater the benefits. Don't continue suffering from low energy and declining wellness - contact Balance Clinic today to start feeling like yourself again!

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Protocols

If test results and symptoms indicate low testosterone, TRT can be started after an exam and discussion of the potential benefits and risks.

The most common TRT protocols include:

Protocol Description Frequency
Testosterone injections Injections into the muscle are a very effective TRT option. Effects last 1-2 weeks. Frequency is adjusted to keep levels optimal.
Testosterone gels Topical gels provide daily testosterone directly through the skin. It's easy to adjust dosing to meet your needs.
Testosterone pellets Pellets implanted under the skin release testosterone over 3-6 months. This provides stable long-term therapy.
Oral testosterone capsules Capsules are taken daily. However, oral testosterone can be hard on the liver so injections or gels are preferred.

The TRT program, medication type, and dosage will be tailored for your body and lifestyle. The goal is to restore testosterone levels to the healthy normal range.

Follow-up blood tests will be performed to monitor your progress and adjust the therapy as needed. Our experienced clinicians guide each patient through the process to maximize benefits and safety.

Take control. Get your testosterone level tested.

TRT and Men's Health - Lifestyle Recommendations

TRT is most effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle. Here are some recommendations:

Recommendation Description
Exercise Strength training boosts testosterone while also building muscle and burning fat. Aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular health.
Healthy diet Eat a balanced diet focused on whole foods - vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats. Avoid refined sugars and transfats.
Weight management Excess weight drives down testosterone. Losing weight through diet and exercise is key.
Quality sleep Get 7-9 hours per night. Improve sleep hygiene for optimal rest, recovery, and hormone balance.
Stress management Chronic stress taxes the body and lowers testosterone. Try relaxation techniques and get mental health support if needed.
Limit alcohol Heavy drinking suppresses testosterone. Moderation is key.

TRT works best when combined with an active, healthy lifestyle. Our physicians provide personalized recommendations to help you maximize the benefits.


Men experiencing the symptoms of low testosterone do not have to continue suffering with low energy, reduced vitality, and declining health. Testosterone replacement therapy can transform lives by rebuilding muscle mass, increasing libido, improving mood and motivation, and restoring overall wellness.

The first step is getting a simple blood test to check your testosterone levels. Balance Clinic provides cutting-edge hormone testing, treatments, and ongoing care. Our experienced physicians custom tailor therapy using the latest medical therapies.

We are passionate about optimizing hormone levels to help men look, feel, and perform their best. Contact us today to start your journey toward renewed energy and wellbeing!

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